The Best Empty Nesting Products to Stay Busy

  • Once the kids move out, there are days when you just have too much time on your hands. Use this list of best empty nesting products to stay busy.
  • I have never been much of a couch potato so staying occupied is important to me so that my day does not drag on and I feel fulfilled. For the past 5 years, I have been my own guinea pig of trial and error on how to keep myself busy. When I say that I stay busy, it does not always mean that I am doing jumping jacks. Actually, it is the complete opposite for me. I like to keep my mind and brain active while feeding my creative soul. Let me share with you how I accomplish my own version of happy, busy bliss.


Why is it Important to Stay Busy?

  • Boredom and a sense of desolation is a normal occurrence of empty nesting; it can be a struggle and it is definitely not a good feeling.
  • These obstacles can be overcome with the best products for empty nesting. It is just a matter of getting in the right mindset. You are still young and believe it or not, your children do not define who you are as a person. Always a beautiful woman who has a lot to offer the world. Rebuilding your belief in yourself is the first step to feeling whole again and finding yourself can start in a simple manner.


Why does Boredom Happen?

  • As a mom, we have previously spent each and every waking moment caring for our families. In a blink of an eye, it seems as if we are not needed as we once were. This leaves us feeling like a fish out of water. No more carpooling, making lunches, helping with homework, doing loads and loads of laundry… Now it is just us and lots and lots of time on our hands.
  • Married at 17 and had my first baby at that same age; all 3 of my kids were born by the time I was 22. I went from being a child in school to being a full-time wife and mom. There was not a moment in a day that I could claim as my own. It was great starting young but it was trying at times. For me, I never knew who I was as an adult on my own. I was always a mom. To say that the adjustment was hard for me is an understatement.
  • So many issues are addressed for moms while in the midst of pregnancy, during the postpartum period and even while raising their littles. Not much is discussed how we as moms, need to be nurtured once our children grow up. This is a time in our lives of mixed emotions; we are so proud of our children but yet somewhat lost ourselves. It is important that we form a friendship that will help to make our way through this season together and I am hoping that my blog will make us all friends.


Best Products to Overcome Empty Nesting Boredom

  • “This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link.”
      • Some of the tips I offer are free and easily accessible such as taking a walk or spending time with your spouse… Other items I recommend may have a small cost attached to them but I use and treasure them daily and they are worth every cent to me. Here I will discuss one of the tools that I use to center myself. I may not have the time to do this daily, but when I do, I am at ease and can go on to other tasks in my day.
      • As I mentioned earlier, I love to keep my mind and imagination busy. Quiet time is needed as discussed in this previous post. Bible journaling helps me to stay grounded.  I am no expert on the Bible and to be quite frank, I don’t always understand a lot but what I cherish, is the time that I spend just simply coloring in my Bible. You do not have to be an artist to gain a sense of well-being, you just have to be willing to let your inner child come through and color away. Don’t worry about coloring inside the lines either! Just do what your imagination creates.
      • If you would like to get more creative, check out this youtube channel with Rebekah Jones. She is one of my favorite people to follow and teaches some awesome techniques!

More Empty Nesting Products

      • For Christmas, I had purchased Bible journals and some basic art supplies for my daughters, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter. They told me that this was their favorite gift! I wrote a heartfelt, personal message to each of them and my hopes are that they will spend time reflecting coloring and in years from now, they will pass these treasures on to their own children and grandchildren.
      • Although this is a post about empty nesters and my girls are in a different season in their lives, I know that I gave them a tool they can benefit from now and when they become empty nesters also.
      • These are the products that I use and that I shared with my family:
      • This Bible already has images just waiting to be colored

Bible journal for empty nesting

      • If you are interested in inserting your own images, then this is the Bible that I use for drawing or painting my own creations

Empty nesting bible products

      • Or if you would rather use an adult coloring book, this one has great reviews

Empty nesting activities

products for empty nesting

      • For all your journaling and coloring supplies, you can…

  • The Last Thing You Need to Know about Empty Nesting

    Take a moment or two and discover what it is that will help you to grow. We can focus on ourselves, our relationships and even on beautifying our homes. As it is said, “stop and smell the roses” because you now have the time to do it!

    Please take a moment and leave a comment or share this post with someone who is struggling with empty nesting.

  • It is always nice to know that sharing is helping. Let’s continue gathering love together!

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